
The Local Action Group - "Zielone Bieszczady" has entered the National Register of Associations on 26th September 2010 receiving its unique National Court Register number.
LAG "Zielone Bieszczady" operates in the area of 4 rural communes, and 1 town-rural commune, included in the Bieszczady district (3 communes) and Lesko district (2 communes). The process of building the LAG began in early 2008, the process of creating the association involved the representatives from the following sectors: public, social and economic development. LGD is especially responsible for implementing the Local Development Strategy under the Rural Development Plan under the name 4 Leader, for the area municipalities: Czarna, Lutowiska, Olszanica, Solina, Ustrzyki Dolne. Currently, the LAG involves 24 active members.

The LDS (local development strategy) area comprises mountainous areas of high conservation value. The area is characterized by clean environment, low development as well as low population levels that reach only 2,57% total, and high afforestation level in the Podkarpackie province.
The Carpathian climate is characterized as unique and of continental type due to mountain range that reaches 600 km from the Baltic to the Black Sea. It is the most continental fragment of the Polish territory. Moreover the the climate has been shaped and moderated by the construction of water reservoir in Solina. This lessened the frost appearance in the Spring and Autumn, and lengthened the plant vegetation period.
Attractive mountain ranges, interesting landscapes, Solina and Myczkowce lakes with the first class water quality, along with the leisure and cultural infrastructure are known to be the main region attractions.

Peculiarity of the area is also a result of the tremendous cultural and ethnic mix. The two ethnographic group have become characteristic of the region namely Boykos and Lemkos. Both groups were of Greek Catholic religion, but differed in the way of dressing, building houses, churches and also spoke different languages. Bieszczady Mountains, including the LDS area - is the only area in Europe, where nature has replaced the human economy. After 1947, the Bieszczady Mountains, previously populated for many years remained uninhabited. "Vistula" action caused almost total depopulation of the Bieszczady especially people of Ukrainian and Ruthenian origin. In the beginning of 1960's the first settlers arrived. The next waves of settlement arrived and were encouraged be well-paid jobs, housing and lucrative preferential loans. Thanks to the following migrations Bieszczady along with the LDS area have become known as a symbol of cultural tolerance as well as specific mountain climate area with the rich regional cuisine.

In the SWOT analysis of the LDS area, taking into consideration social consultation, the following leading topics of the LGD development and operation have been stated:
1. The use of the natural and cultural resources including the Natura 2000 network areas potential.
2. Improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas.

The plan of the operation area of the Local Action Group "Zielone Bieszczady":
LAG operation area namely Bieszczady region, we define as an active and ambitious tourism, with cultural and natural values of the region, respecting the nature harmony, where balanced social and economic development is based upon a clean environment, sustainable use of heritage of historical and cultural content, with the cooperation of local governments and businesses, that will provide the present and future generations an improvement of life quality and attractive conditions for tourists visiting the region.

Local Action Group, being the "owner" of the Local Development Strategy, receives funds for its implementation, is also leading a major role in its implementation. LDS implementation is being made through:
ˇ Managing the strategy implementation
ˇ Coordinating the activities to achieve the main goal;
ˇ Preparation of the applicants' documents for grants and financial help
ˇ Operation assessment in terms of their compliance with the strategy and the choice of operation according to the local selection criteria.
ˇ Obtaining the information concerning the LDS funds spending, according to grant agreements of the applicants.

LAD is responsible for grant proposal handling in the plan entitled "Local Development Strategies implementation programme" with the Rural Development Programme, and is in possession of 3 816 632 PLN for this purpose.

What does the term LEADER mean?
LEADER is the EU programme that involves the non-refundable aid, to support the rural areas. The LEADER supports those communities who are striving for the life quality improvement as well as economic situation in the country, with the use of common work and fruitful partnership cooperation.
The name LEADER is an acronym that stands for French words relating to"
" Relationships of activities in the Rural Economic Development "
The programme started in 1991, and is nowadays at its fourth stage.
Following LEADER stages implemented:
ˇ LEADER I (1991 - 1994) - testing the brand new model od the rural areas development, differentiation of the economy of the rural areas, (new development model concerning the territory and partnership attitude)
ˇ LEADER II (1994 - 1999) - Popularizing the LEADER I attitude on the vast area of EU, more innovative projects and more operation integrity, intra-territorial and international cooperation
ˇ LEADER+ (2000 - 2006) - based on LEADER I and LEADER II guidelines, improving and supporting the implementation of the rural areas development, international cooperation and creating cooperation network.
ˇ LEADER (2007-2013) - Current programme. In years 2007-2013 "LEADER" is not anymore separate programme but has been included in the main European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Is also a part of Rural Areas Development for the years 2007-2013 and is the fourth edition of the programme in Poland.
We can list some of the LEADER characteristic attitudes:
ˇ Local communities involvement in the shared enterprises;
ˇ Grasroots initiative;
ˇ Participants partnership;
ˇ Integrated attitude;
ˇ Creating cooperation networks;
ˇ Inovation
ˇ Local financing and management.

Contact us:
email: lgdzielonebieszczady@wp.pl
mob.+48 601415070

Projekt realizowany przez Stowarzyszenie Lokalna Grupa Działania "Zielone Bieszczady"
w ramach Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2007-2013 - oś IV LEADER
Europejski Fundusz na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie